SWFD Classification Change –

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South Walton Fire District Lowers ISO Rating 

(Santa Rosa Beach, Fla.) – South Walton Fire District Fire Chief Rick Talbert recently announced that The South Walton Fire District has earned a new 3/3X Public Protection Classification rating — the third highest rating from the Insurance Services Office (ISO). The new classification places SWFD in the top 10% of all fire departments throughout the United States. This could potentially lower the cost of insurance premiums for homeowner and commercial fire insurances for residents and business owners throughout the district.  

SWFD recently underwent an extensive evaluation audit by the Insurance Services Office. When the evaluation process was finally completed, ISO determined that SWFD was able to improve its rating from a Class 5/9 to a Class 3/3X. “This is a significant accomplishment and benefit to the community. This puts SWFD in a very special category with some of the best Fire Departments in the nation. This exemplifies our vision” –” Continually Improve the Safety and Wellbeing of Our Community,” said Chief Talbert. 

A communities PPC classification is graded based on the following criteria; Needed Fire Flows, Emergency Communications, Fire Department (includes equipment, staffing, training, operational considerations etc.) Water Supply and Community Risk Reduction.

SWFD is proud of each and every member for the work and attention to detail that went into achieving this dramatic improvement in ISO classification for the Fire District.                                                                                                                           

Sammy Sanchez, Fire Marshal

South Walton Fire District

(850) 267-1298 – office

(850) 267-3294 – fax



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