Moana Costume – Offensive or Not?

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Lets talk about the big controversy for Halloween 2017. Dressing up as Disney heroine Moana and her partner Maui.

A few magazines and online websites are pleading with parents to NOT let their kids dress up as the Disney characters due to the fact that it’s “cultural appropriation.” Some stores have even pulled the “Maui” character from the shelves. Being a kid that dressed up as Princess Jasmine for Halloween, I see no issue with dressing up as a cartoon character you idolize. Plus it was the biggest Disney movie of the year and really one of the best in the past few years.

To quote a parent friend of mine:

Children don’t see color. So why should we shield them for those particular reasons? By not allowing them to dress up as who they want for fear of being insensitive we are teaching them a negative image of color and we are not teaching cultural appreciation. She (his daughter) loves Moana for what Moana stands for: A strong young independent girl. That’s what she idolizes and what she wants people to see her as on October 31st.
So parents, please don’t pay attention to the garbage you see being shared across social media right now regarding that. If you’re child wants to be Moana, let her be Moana.

I posted the Pro and Con articles below. I want to hear your thoughts.


DO DRESS AS MOANA – via Daily Wire

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