Paxton School awarded $2,000

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By Heather Osbourne | 315-4440 | @heatheronwfdn |

WALTON COUNTY — Paxton School was awarding a $2,000 grant for a grant application titled “Paxton STEM Club LEGO Challenge.”

Beginning in January, 75 students in elementary and middle school STEM clubs will receive LEGO challenge kits that are STEM instructed from the LEGO company.

The kits will guide students through the engineering, research and presentation process, according to a press release from the Walton Education Foundation.

The kits will guide students through the engineering, research and presentation process. Students will create a LEGO design, which will include moving components and allow them to learn computer coding by programming pieces of their LEGO design.

The teams will present their final projects at two LEGO competitions in March and May and also present them to the community on April 26.

Sheryl Evans, a Paxton School teacher who applied for the grant, said she believes student’s futures might be contingent on having these types of activities offered to them.

“STEM activities are almost non-existent in our small rural school,” Evans said. “These students need and deserve the opportunity to realize their potential, and to learn there are many more amazing opportunities in the future.” 

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