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Dinah Keefe | Walton County Snowbirds

Last general meeting for the season is Feb. 21.

There is a change of venue for the final general meeting of the season: it will be at Village Baptist Church, 101 Matthew Blvd, Destin at 10 a.m. Entertainment will be provided by our own Walton County Snowbird Singers, a delightful finale! As is traditional, the performance will begin with their longtime theme song, “The Snowbird Song,” written by Bill Addington, husband of the group’s founding choir director, Carol Addington.

These talented and dedicated singers are also performing a concert, “Oh…Listen to the Music,” on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 3 p.m. at Santa Rosa Beach Community Church, 3524 U.S. Highway 98. The concert is open to the public and a free-will offering will be donated to Caring and Sharing of South Walton.

The Walton County Snowbird Singers were formed in 1997. Celebrating their 21st season, the chorus is now under the direction of Adele Armitage, who also serves as Director of Music at St. Rita’s Catholic Church and Director of the Ecumenical Choir of South Walton. Numbering around thirty singers, the chorus hails from all over the U.S. and the Canadian provinces. Many of them are members of choirs and vocal groups in their home towns.

Interested participants sign up at the Walton County Snowbird registration sessions. Rehearsals are held on Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon, from the first Friday in January through late February, at Community Church of Santa Rosa Beach. Each chorus member pays a nominal fee to cover the purchase of new scores, printing costs, and miscellaneous expenses. While it is beneficial to be able to sight-read music, it is not required. No auditions are held, but singers must be able to hold a tune on pitch. Occasional sectional rehearsals may be held at the discretion of the director. She chooses the music and selects the season’s theme.

Under the guidance of the director, chorus members may volunteer to serve on a board, which oversees the areas of registration; dues collection; music distribution/collection/storage; and publicity/advertising.

If chorus members were asked what they especially enjoy about the group, most would agree they love the challenge of learning new music, the camaraderie with new and returning singers, and the joy of sharing their music with an audience.

Any questions regarding the Walton County Snowbird Singers and their upcoming concerts may be directed to Adele Armitage, 865-5590 or a.armitage@mchsi.com.



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