Trunk or Treat Rachels Recovery Relief and Family Services

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This is Sarah with Lindsey’s Furniture and we are looking to connect with you for a community event to benefit Rachel’s Recovery Relief and Family Services Agency. Please see the attached flyer for more information on how to secure your spot as well as some donation items we are asking for.

We are looking to treat the community with a fun filled event to raise money and goods for local non profits as well as give children a fun night to not have to think about what they have had to encounter for the last year. Please let us know if you are interested in participating as a vendor and if not, that is okay too! We still would love for you and your family to come have some fun with us on October 30th! Please e-mail us back by replying to this email or text (850)-381-7453 if you are interested in this great community event. We appreciate your time and support.


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