Walton County (Florida) BCC Directs County Attorney to Draft Language to Open Beaches on May 1st

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Walton County BCC Directs County Attorney to Draft Language to Open Beaches on May 1st

During their 11:00 a.m. meeting on Thursday, April 23rd, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) voted to direct the County Attorney, Sidney Noyes, to draft language regarding the opening of Walton County’s beaches, and to bring he language forward at the April 28th BCC meeting for a vote.

As part of the direction, Noyes will be drafting language that would allow all Walton County Beaches to open on May 1st with no time restrictions regarding access. Additionally, the following items are to be included in the language:

Continue the ban on all beach vending

Require that “social distancing” guidelines as put forth by the CDC are being adhered to

Limitation of allowed activities in accordance with Governor’s Executive Orders

This item will be included on the agenda for a final vote during the BCC’s regular meeting on Tuesday, April 28th at 9:00 am in the DeFuniak Springs Board Room located at 571 U.S. Highway 90 in DeFuniak Springs.


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