By RUBY KEARCE The Paxton City Council met Tuesday, June 21 at Paxton City Hall. The meeting started by electing a separate cemetery board. The cemetery board will have their own meeting within 30 days. Latilda Hughes – Neel then approached the board to discuss Grit and Grace, a stage-play drama depicting the life of Paxton native Bobby Kemp, as told by Bobby Charles and Brendan Roberta. The show is nearing completion, and it will be the second in a lineup of 11 stories about Walton County History. Hughes- Neel, with permission from Charles, read an excerpt from the play: “Mama and Daddy were a team. Mama went to city council meetings with Daddy. If he got overly excited about something, all she had to do was say ‘Bobby.’ And at home when she calmed him down, she would just quietly say ‘Bobby I’ve heard all I want to hear’ and if he’d kept on she would say ‘Bobby I said I have heard all I want to hear.’” The Council was invited to the performance of Grit and Grace. Patrick O’Neal, developer of the future Black Lake RV Park, then approached the board regarding utilities for the park. The project is projected to have 35 spaces and needs sewer services in order to move forward. O’Neal is asking the board for a letter of availability and a time frame in order to know if the project will need to be done in multiple phases or if it can be done in just one phase. The board decided that the city’s engineer will gather the needed information and get it to O’Neal in a timely manner. Public Works Representative Anna Hudson then came forward with a list of roads and sidewalks scheduled to be resurfaced. Council member Donna Smith, brought County Hwy. 147 to the board’s attention. The road is in need of more than resurfacing and will be used as the main entrance and exit for all Paxton School traffic. A motion to make County Hwy 147 a top priority was passed, and the board approved the resurfacing list Hudson presented. The board then discussed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application and ways to make the city’s application more competitive. The two suggestions made were for the city council to contribute $25,000 to the project and to form a committee appointed by Mayor Ann Sexton. The grant will be used to make improvements at the sewage treatment facility. In other business, the council agreed to donate a new credit card machine to the Paxton Post Office. And, the council passed a motion to change the monthly meeting time from 5:30 p.m. year round, to 6 p.m. during the summer, and 5:30 p.m. during the winter.
By RUBY KEARCE Paxton City Council met, Monday Aug. 29, at Paxton Town Hall for a public hearin
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