Walton County Tax Collector Named Nation’s “Outstanding County Treasurer”

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RHONDA SKIPPER, Walton County Tax Collector, with her NACCTFO Award.


The Honorable Rhonda Skipper, Walton County Tax Collector, was recently honored by the National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers and Finance Officers (NACCTFO) when she was named “Outstanding County Treasurer” for 2022. Skipper was selected from county collectors, treasurers and finance officers from across the country for the award, which was presented during the NACCTFO annual conference in Denver, Colorado last week. 

The “Outstanding Officer Award” is presented annually by NACCTFO to a person who has been an active member of NACCTFO for at least two years and who serves as a leader in their home state and as a professional of the highest caliber in the operation of their own county office. 

NACCTFO, an affiliate of the National Association of Counties, was established in 1954 and is a professional organization dedicated to building relationships, forming partnerships and exchanging ideas through networking and educational certification programs. 

For the most up-to-date information on NACCTFO, visit www.nacctfo.org

The National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers and Finance Officers (NACCTFO) was established in 1954 and offers members the ability to connect with peers from across the country, gain access to unique educational opportunities and enhance abilities to perform duties as county tax collectors, treasurers and finance officers. For more information on NACCTFO, visit www.nacctfo.org or email info@nacctfo.org

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