A Pastor’s Ponderings: An Open Letter to Fathers

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By Pastor and Father Doug Stauffer

As we approach Father’s Day, I wanted to use this opportunity to honor and celebrate the fathers in our community. As a pastor (and traveling evangelist for 20 years), I have witnessed how the love, dedication and strength of fathers make a lasting impression (moms, too!). Like so many of you, my father is someone I admire as an incredible example. To all dads everywhere:

In the beginning, our Heavenly Father above,
Crafted us using His wisdom and infinite love.
His image we bore, in His likeness were made,
Forever we praise Him, our debt fully paid.

Our earthly fathers, with strength God imparts,
Guide us through valleys through broken hearts.
Their love and protection, like a sheltering wing,
As we walk with our Lord, God’s praises we sing.

Proverbs teaches that fathers have the crucial role of training their children in the way they should go. As mentioned in Ephesians, your dedication to nurturing and admonishing your children in the Lord is a testament to your commitment to their spiritual well-being.

With hands firm yet gentle, they nurture and hold,
Reflections of God’s love, characters they mold.
Through trials and triumphs, their faith remains strong,
In the arms of their fathers, they truly belong.

The 20th Proverb refers to the blessings the children receive through their father’s integrity. Your compassion, like the Lord’s in Psalm 103, comforts them. Through your loving correction and guidance, you help your children grow in wisdom and grace (Proverbs 3).

So thank you, dear fathers, for all that you do,
Your love, like a beacon, points to what’s true.
On this special day, our voices we raise,
In gratitude, love, and endless praise.

The Bible teaches us that fatherhood is a sacred responsibility and blessing, reflecting the love and guidance of our Heavenly Father. I encourage you, fathers, to continue walking in faith, setting an example for your children and others. Nurture the spiritual growth of your family, the dividends are immeasurable.

On behalf of our church family, I wish you a blessed and joyful Father’s Day. May God’s love and grace continue to shine upon you and your families as you lead by example and fulfill your roles as earthly fathers.
Scripture References
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Ephesians 6:4 “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
Proverbs 20:7 “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.”
Psalm 103:13 “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.”
Proverbs 3:11 “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: 12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.”

Dr. Doug Stauffer is pastor of Faith Independent Baptist Church. He was saved July 6, 1980, in Niceville, while stationed at the 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base and has now been in the ministry for over 35 years. He has written 20 books including the best selling “One Book” trilogy (“One Book Rightly Divided, One Book Stands Alone, One Book One Authority”); along with several devotionals (“Daily Strength” series); and prophecy books (“Reviving the Blessed Hope, When the End Begins”).

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