DFS Beautification and Tree Board addresses Baldwin Avenue Street Painting

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The DeFuniak Springs Beautification and Tree Board met at City Hall for its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 6. Board Chair Kim Wennerberg began by announcing updates about downtown DeFuniak Spring’s (DFS) street painting. The City Council has determined that the water and sewer pipes running down Baldwin Avenue will need to be replaced in the next few years. So, Wennerberg recommended that the council consider brick pavers in order to slow down traffic as well as suit the aesthetic of main street. The council agreed to look into the project. 

The conversation then moved to the final recommendations for the Master Parks Plan in order to bring the finished product to the DFS City Council for official adoption. Members recommended including more language regarding security and vandalism, expanding the demographic to include members of the community living outside the city limits, more emphasis on landscaping and the overall interior design of the parks. 

Tom Baker, the new president of the local chapter of Kiwanis Club, approached the board in order to discuss the possibility of partnering with the city to improve a city park. Baker would like to have the Kiwanis chapter make an impact on the community and hopes to attract new members in the process. 

Wennerberg suggested having the Kiwanis sponsor Board Member Sommer Adams’ idea for an edible garden and help maintain it once the trees are planted. Wennerberg reached out to DFS Maintenance Superintendent Dewy Roberts about the best place for an edible park in regards to irrigation. The old site for the Master Gardeners’ Garden next to the water tower was suggested, but Adams stated that she would rather see the edible garden incorporated into an already existing park with the entire park’s landscaping offering edible plants versus a corner of the park having an edible garden. “Like a Garden of Eden,” she described it. 

Both Baker and Wennerberg agreed with Adams’ idea of including edible plants throughout an existing park’s landscape. So Baker will bring this idea to his Kiwanis Chapter, as well as contact other chapters for pointers and funding ideas. He will bring their answers and suggestions to the next Beautification & Tree Board meeting. The board will then set a date for a workshop for all parties involved to come together and agree on a timeline for the project. 

Cynthia Permenter, Secretary for the DFS Mayor, then approached the board to announce the day during Florida City Government Week in which the city will hold the “Park Plans and Trail Talk.” This talk will be held Wednesday, Oct. 19, at the Chautauqua Hall of Brotherhood, from 5 to 7 p.m.. The City Beautification & Tree Board partnered with Justin Baldwin from The Office of Greenways and Trails and the City of DeFuniak Springs in order to bring awareness to DFS parks and paths. This talk will revolve around park plans and how residents can work together to make the community more beautiful. 

Then, the discussion turned to the renaming of the Pat Covell #2 park to Rev. Tyrone Broadus Park. Adams would like for there to be more done to the park than just renaming it, and Glen Harrison would like to also install a memorial plaque highlighting Tyrone Broadus’ accomplishments. A motion was made to bring the renaming and revamping of the park along with the memorial plaque to the City Council and to inform the family of the decision. 

The next Beautification and Tree Board Meeting has been moved to Nov. 10 at 4 p.m. at City Hall. 

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