WEATHER WARNING Prepare for HUGE rainfall Tuesday Eve

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Walton County Opens Sandbag Stations at Multiple Locations

Walton County Opens Sandbag Stations at Multiple Locations

Due to the impending severe rainfall event that is anticipated in Walton County starting late Tuesday evening until early Saturday morning, Walton County will open a “sandbag station” at four locations throughout the County (See below).

Once open, these locations will be available 24 hours a day for the duration of this potential event. Staffing may be limited due to other proactive storm preparations so residents are asked to bring their own shovels and be prepared to fill bags themselves.

Stations open now:
Blue Mountain Pit – 1002 83 S. (Old Blue Mountain Rd.)
Freeport City Hall – 112 State HWY 20 W.

Stations that will be open starting at 3:30pm:
Woodyard Pit at the end of Vines Rd.
Hinote Pit on Hinote Rd – The entrance of outside of the gate

For more information, please contact Walton County Public Works at (850) 892-8108 or Walton County Emergency Management at (850) 892-8065


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