For Immediate Release
January 16, 2018
PONCE DE LEON, Fla— On January 11th a deputy in the area of County Highway 1883 and Double Pond Road noticed a maroon Ford Ranger with Texas tags parked partially in the roadway.
The deputy ran the vehicle tag and discovered the registration expired in 2013. In addition, the registration listed the truck as a 4-door Toyota, which this vehicle was not.
When the deputy approached the vehicle a male was sitting in the passenger seat with what appeared to be freshly broken glass inside of the vehicle on both sides. The driver’s side lock also appeared to have been punched. The subject was acting increasingly nervous and was asked to exit the vehicle.
The male was asked his name and stated it was “Corey”. The deputy then asked if his last name was Kendrick, due to complaints of him stalking a female in the area. The subject advised his name was Corey Jason and provided a date of birth in 1996. When the deputy asked how old that would make him he could not answer.

Corey Kendrick
The deputy then attempted to put the subject into custody when he began running north on County Highway 1883. The deputy pursued the subject on foot as backup units were responding. He was found lying in the woods shortly after and was taken into custody without further incident. Deputies compared the male to previous photos of Corey Kendrick and determined it was him.
The vehicle was searched and located on the passenger floorboard was a black Costa Del Mar Sunglass case. Inside the case was a black film canister containing approximately 4.5 g of methamphetamine, a scale with crystalline residue, and two capped syringes with apparent narcotic residue.
Kendrick was charged with possession of amphetamine with intent to sell, giving a false ID to a LEO, resisting arrest without violence and possession of drug paraphernalia.