Friends of South Walton Sea Turtles celebrate a first!

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On August 27th The Friends of South Walton Sea Turtles (FOSWST) celebrated a First!  Meet Reese Hattaway-Collins who joined FOSWST as a Junior Volunteer Beach Ambassador during a training session with her mother at the Ohana Institute. Many students are required to meet community service hour requirements while in High School and Reese chose to serve FOSWST. During the month of August, Reese turned 18 allowing her to join FOSWST as a full member, earn her shirt and work independently out on our beaches. She is the first student to complete this transition and become a full-fledged VBA. Congratulations Reese and welcome to the team!

Reese Hattaway Collins

FOSWST, formed in 2015, is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting sea turtle conservation through awareness and education. The Volunteer force has grown from 15 volunteers in 2015 to over 200 this summer, walking the beaches, picking up trash and educating residents and visitors alike about sea turtle vulnerability.

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