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December 3, 2018

DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, Fla— Walton County Sheriff’s Office bearded beaus raised more than $1400 during No Shave November to go toward a charity created by one of their own.

Nearly 40 employees from the agency participated in the popular effort to raise awareness for Cancer screenings. The cash brought in will be donated to Cancer Freeze; a non-profit started by Deputy Caleb Davidson.

“We do what we do because we believe it’s what God calls us to do, not because we want to be patted on the back,” said Davidson, who is a School Resource Deputy at Paxton School.

Davidson and his wife founded Cancer Freeze in 2007 to help raise money for local recipients battling cancer.

“Since January we’ve donated almost $150,000, up from $97,000 last year,” said Davidson. “More than half that has been donated privately, without headlines, or anyone knowing anything other than who is to receive the money.”

The beards were back in 2018. The month-long journey started several years ago for WCSO to help spread, or grow, awareness throughout the community. Deputies, who are normally required to shave, wear pink pins to signify their participation.

“This is a fan favorite around the agency,” said Sheriff Adkinson. “Everyone looks forward to November for this reason.”

For more information on Cancer Freeze visit CancerFreeze.org

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