General News

Plan to expand offshore drilling draws cheers, jeers

WASHINGTON — The energy industry is cheering the Trump administration's proposal to open nearly all U.S. coastlines to offshore oil and gas drilling, saying it will reduce U.S. dependence on foreign supplies and create jobs.Independent experts are dubious. They cite strong opposition — even from Republicans — to some ocean drilling and question whether oil companies will invest in expensive new offshore projects when there are abundant reserves in shale on [...]
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77 Killed in France _ Warning Graphic video Viewer Advised

Warning Graphic video  Viewer Advised “It’s a scene of horror; it’s terrible,” Eric Ciotti, a member of Parliament from Alpes-Maritimes, said on French television. “Words can’t describe it.” More than 70 people were killed, according to local officials, and the deputy mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, said, “The truck was full of weapons and grenades.” The truck drove for more than a mile through the crowded streets of Nice, officials said. Another graphic video from a witness in Nice was posted on YouTube. It shows a number of bodies strewn about the street in Nice shortly after the truck plowed through the crowd of revelers. Speaking to reporters in Nice, the French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said that the toll of the attack was “extremely heavy,” adding that 80 people had died and that many other people were wounded, 18 of them critically. France has been struck on the day of her national holiday – the 14th of July, Bastille Day – the symbol of liberty, because human rights are denied by fanatics and France is clearly their target. — President François Hollande of France Read More