A Pastor’s Ponderings

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By Rev. Pete Hyde

A Pastor’s Ponderings

The morning is grey and gloomy along the Florida Gulf Coast. The rain started yesterday morning and continued steadily throughout the day. Yesterday was a church and nap day. I hope those two things didn’t overlap during the worship service, but I’m sure they did in some cases (I know who you are).

Yesterday started the week with worship, Bible study and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Today just started – no dazzling sunrise, no jumping out of bed with a full tank of energy to take on the day. It just routinely started, a to-do list has begun to take shape. How many remember the Carpenter’s song from the 70’s, “Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down?”  Well, that’s my favorite song this morning.

I reluctantly open my devotional for the morning and the memorization verse is: “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Seriously, God!! I know you have to be laughing at me right now, I’m in no mood right now. I’m not sure I want to be in a good mood anyway. Just let me be for a while, I am kind of enjoying the rainy Monday in my own dark, little way. It’s not nice to laugh at people. You can laugh with them, but not at them. Didn’t you teach us that somewhere?  If you didn’t, you should have!! Just leave me alone for now.”

I know God’s smile spreads across His face as He hears my prayer/complaint. The memory verse pops back into my head. (I know who put the thought in my head). “Yes, God I know who you are.” “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  “Go ahead and laugh at me and even though I’m feeling a slight smile come across my face, I’m not going to allow you to ruin my rainy Monday that has me down.” Someone just came in the door whistling. “You better stop that, I’m wanting to have a bad day.” God can’t quite hold back a quiet giggle.

I turn on my internet radio station for some background music from a station I don’t listen to very often. The first song played is the theme song from the Andy Griffith show. You remember the one played at the opening of the show while Andy and Opey walked along the dirt road with fishing poles in hand – just a cute little upbeat whistling tune.

Is that thunder I hear in the distance? No, it’s God rolling on the floor in Heaven in a fit of uncontrollable laughter as he pokes fun as his humble servant who might want to be in a less than good mood all day, and is a little offended at God’s sense of humor. Oh, that verse!! I cannot get it out of my mind. A smile begins to creep across my face and in my heart. “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” I glance across my office and on the opposite wall is an iconic picture of Jesus laughing. “Okay guys, now you’re teaming up on me,” I chuckle to myself.

A three-year-old from our preschool comes in my office with his usual big smile. “Hi Pastor Pete,” and he proceeds to take a big, pink jelly bean out of his mouth, stretches out his open hand and says, “Wanna share?”  I laugh out loud with God!!

Truly, this is the day the Lord has made.  And yes Lord, I will rejoice in it.

Rev. J. Pete Hyde, Senior Pastor

Santa Rosa Beach Community Church

850-267-2599; srbcc.com

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