Introducing Amy Blizzard: Healer and Songstress

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By Josette-30A Songwriter Radio

Compassion, intelligence, talent, and beauty, this homegrown treasure has them all. Born and raised in Walton County, Amy Blizzard is what you would call a true local. Amy grew up in a musical family that fostered her love of music and encouraged her to use her voice, and what a voice she has!


One remembers the first time hearing Amy sing. It was at the Tuesday night Open Mic at 30A Songwriter Radio. She was to accompany a pianist on a song. She took the stage and the room quieted as the audience looked to see what this newcomer could do. She was going to sing a song with a home stage favorite, Shane D’ Fury, and it takes a special kind of talent to hold your own on the stage with him. As the first notes emanated forth, all doubt was erased. From her fiery red mane to her tapping toe, this beauty owned the room. As the song ended, the crowd roared.

Talking with Amy, she has a rich history in the performance industry from coast to coast. In 2002, Amy was involved in a motorcycle accident right on 30A. During her 3 year, 9 surgery recovery, Amy discovered the true medical benefits of massage therapy.  “Sure, I had massages before but never for the intention of helping to heal my body. I just wanted to relax. During visits with my physical therapist, she used techniques to help loosen scar tissue and increase circulation to specific parts of my leg that were requiring more attention. While it was uncomfortable at times, the results were amazing! She suggested I book regular massages to help further my results. Taking her advice, I saw an even greater improvement in my range of motion.” shares Blizzard on her website.

In 2008, Blizzard became a certified and licensed massage therapist versed in sports massage. Amy began applying the same principles of massage to musicians in the Nashville area. Seeing many of the same issues as athletes, such as repetitive motion injuries not allowing musicians to play without pain, numbness and tingling.

Amy missed home, moved back to the Emerald Coast and opened a practice in her home town of Freeport called Trinity Massage and Body Works, LLC. So whether one is an athlete or a musician with playing issues or just looking to relax, Trinity Massage can help.

One can hear Amy Blizzard singing around 30A as well as with her band Lucky Strike Retros. Everyone loves them!

For more information, check out, 850- 865-0293,

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