Local Businesses Pledge to Match Donations to Nicaraguan Farm

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Local businesses, Beau Interiors, Clay Garden & Gifts, Pizza by the Sea and Shoreline Title have joined together to launch Nourish Nicaragua, a campaign to raise awareness and funds for a farm that feeds children in Nicaragua.

“In Nicaragua, childhood malnutrition is epidemic, so we strive to feed as many children as possible in the communities in which we serve,” said Jason Beer, Twelve Churches board member and owner of Pizza by the Sea. “The more that our farm produces, the more children we can feed — it’s really that simple.”

Campo Sagrado is the farm that supports the Twelve Churches ministry in providing food to six feeding centers around the city of Leon. Currently, the centers provide meals to 275 children each day. To learn more about Campo Sagrado and Twelve Churches, go to www.twelvechurches.org .

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“It seemed like a natural fit for Clay Garden & Gifts to join forces with Camp Sagrado,” Jason Daniel, horticulturist at Clay Garden & Gifts, said. “After being on a mission trip with Twelve Churches and actually working on the farm and seeing the needs at the feeding centers, it was easy to support this farm that provides for the children around Leon, Nicaragua.”

The businesses have pledged to match up to $15,000 of every dollar donated to the Nourish Nicaragua campaign. Funds raised will be used to purchase a utility vehicle, bodega and greenhouse for Campo Sagrado. Those interested in learning more about the cause or making a donation, can go to www.nourishnicaragua.com. The campaign will run through February of 2020.

“The Twelve Churches board of servants is very excited about the Nourish Nicaragua campaign to raise funds for our farm, Campo Sagrado,” Beer said. “We are really thankful for the partnership of our 30A community with another place that means so much to us and the other business owners who created this campaign.”

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