February 2020 WCSD Superintendents Update

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Supt Hughes

Second Semester in the Walton County School District is well underway, and things are moving forward in a fast-paced, and exciting manner!  Our Midterm grade reports will be going home on February 6, 2020. Parents please be on the lookout for these reports to help stay alert to your student’s academic standing.

Friday, February 14, 2020 will be an early release day for students, and a professional development day for teachers.  Monday, February 17, 2020, all Walton County schools and offices will be closed in recognition of Presidents Day.

The 9th Annual Apple Classic 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2020, at Hammock Bay in Freeport, FL from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.  This event is hosted by the Walton Education Foundation to help support teachers, their students, and schools through a series of educational programs and grants.  The 5K course is certified and the event is sanctioned by USA Track and Field. Come on out and join the fun!

We are proud to announce our 2019-2020 WCSD Teacher of the Year, Jeannine Abadie, from Emerald Coast Middle School! Huge Congratulations to Mrs. Abadie, Math Specialist at ECMS. She is a product of the Walton County School District, having graduated from South Walton High School!  Mrs. Abadie is in her 7th year teaching at ECMS. We look forward to her representation of our EPIC District in the coming year!

Congratulations also to our new WCSD Educational Support Professional of the Year, Lisbeth “Anne” Turner, from Freeport High School!  Ms. Turner helps to provide delicious meals and a happy atmosphere in the Bulldog Café at FHS!

Selected as the 2019-2020 WCSD Assistant Principal of the Year was Mr. Scott Hulion, Assistant Principal at Walton Middle School!  Mr. Hulion is an exemplary Administrator, and a tremendous asset to Walton Middle School and the WCSD!

Selected as the 2019-2020 WCSD Principal of the Year is Dr. Alexis Tibbetts, Principal at South Walton High School! Congratulations to Dr. Tibbetts for her incredible accomplishments at SWHS! Since 2014 under her leadership, the school has doubled in numbers, and soared in academic excellence!

We are also proud to share that our Superintendent, Mr. A. Russell Hughes, has recently been formally recognized for completion of the rigorous and challenging Chief Executive Officer Leadership Development Program (CEOLDP) during the joint meeting of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents (FADSS) and the Florida School Boards Association in Tampa, Florida. School Board Member Jason Catalano presented Superintendent Hughes with a special award certificate at the December 17, 2019 school board meeting at South Walton High School.

Kindergarten registration is Monday through Friday, March 2nd through the 13th, from 8:00 am until 2:30 pm at all WCSD Elementary Schools for any child who is 5 on or before September 1st, 2020.  An Official Birth certificate is required.  Before entering school in August, each child must have a physical examination and up-to -date immunizations.

February is Black History Month, and all across the district our students will be participating in a variety of activities that celebrate the history, culture and contributions of Black Americans.

February is also Career Technical Education (CTE) month.  Walton County School District is committed to helping our students develop the skills, technical knowledge, academic rigor and real-world experiences necessary to be successful in a high-skill, high-demand career in an ever-changing global market. The number of CTE industry certifications earned by our students continues to increase along with the addition of programs in Aerospace Sciences and Technology; Culinary Arts; Information Technology; Agritechnology; TV Production; Medical Sciences; Applied Robotics; Engineering, and many other fields.

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