Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association and  Walton Area Chamber of Commerce, announce “Save Florida Business Initiative”

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In response to the significant economic impacts from COVID-19 in Florida, the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association (FRLA), Walton Area Chamber of Commerce and DigiPro Media have partnered to announce the “Save Florida Business Initiative” to support Florida businesses during this unprecedented time for the industry.

Save Florida Business

The “Save Florida Business Initiative” will help Walton County businesses create immediate cash flow using technology and networking solutions that will provide much-needed revenue to survive this economic emergency. The initiative connects local consumers with area businesses through the Save Florida Business website. Local businesses can register to participate, and consumers can search and connect with registered businesses, on the site.

To participate, any business must offer a $75 gift card bond that has a retail value of $100. The purchase of the gift card bond incentivizes consumers as they will earn $25 for every $75 gift card bond purchased. There is no limit to the number of gift card bonds an individual can purchase. It is up to the participating business to decide when the bonds can be redeemed.

“The Save Florida Business Initiative will disperse money immediately to businesses as they are faced with the economic impact of COVID-19 in our region,” stated Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association Regional Director, Nick Lowe.  “This program will also incentivize consumers to return to our local businesses once this has passed and will help us rebuild our retail community.”

“Our community and economy are both largely based on local businesses,” said Megan Harrison, CEO of the Walton Area Chamber of Commerce. “This initiative will not only lift up businesses in their urgent time of need but will also propel the economy out of this stagnant situation and towards a sense of normalcy within our community.”

The SaveFloridaBusiness.com website was built by DigiPro Media, in partnership with FRLA and the Walton Area Chamber of Commerce. The website contains information on the program, a place for businesses to register, and a directory of businesses offering gift card bonds.

“Our number one priority, as DigiPro Media, in partnership with FRLA and the Walton Area Chamber, is to arm and equip businesses to fight back using technology and our extensive networks to make it easier for customers to engage and pre-buy products and services so we can all make it through this together,” said Steve Barshov, CEO of DigiPro Media. “We’re living in unprecedented times and we need to think differently. The most important thing is that businesses and the community work together to support each other and act now before it is too late.”

For more information about the “Save Florida Business Initiative” contact the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association at nlowe@frla.org or the Walton Area Chamber of Commerce at ceo@waltonareachamber.com.

The Walton Area Chamber of Commerce was established in 1925 and provides leadership for a healthy business community. As the area’s leading voice of business, the more than 800-member organization represents the interests of business with government, promotes the local community and provides business education and networking opportunities toward building a strong Walton County economy. For more information, visit www.waltonareachamber.com or call 850-267-0683.

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