June 2020 Walton County School District’s Superintendent’s Update

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From Superintendent Russell A.Hughes

Supt Hughes

As the 2019-2020 school year has come to a close, I wanted to take the time to say a sincere thank you to all Walton County School District students, parents, and employees.
The last few months have been like nothing we have ever experienced, but at the same time, I can share story after story of excellence, professionalism, innovation, and collaboration. In Walton County, we call that the Walton Way – EPIC. Those are the only words to describe you! From bus drivers and food service workers delivering food to families to parents working on a math problem over a conference call with teachers, everyone has stepped up to the “new normal” and even exceeded expectations.

Before the summer starts, I do want to share a few updates with you.

First, our summer feeding program will continue as it has in year’s past. Feeding will begin June 11 and run every Thursday (June 11, June 18, June 25, July 1, July 9, July 16, July 23, and July 30). Please note July 1, our holiday week, will be on a Wednesday. Our two food locations are Walton Middle School in DeFuniak Springs and Freeport High School in Freeport. We will offer a curbside service from 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon.

Second, we have put together a short survey for parents. You can access the survey from the link at the end of this post.
Please take a few minutes to help us plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Your feedback is very important to us. We want to know your thoughts surrounding health, safety, and returning to school.

Finally, as I stated above, we do appreciate everyone’s hard work and enthusiasm during these past two months. If you would like to recognize a Walton County School District employee or school who has gone above and beyond, please feel free to send a compliment via our text line at 850.204.9667. We will be sure to pass on your “shout-out” to your child’s school!
Please continue to stay safe, healthy, and connected to your school for updates. Have a great summer and thank you again for another great school year!

Parent Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=OiUJugsuok2fpgZAQ5LOGHj4YnMxfIZMj_GWnByLYTxUOUNZUTVFVk5PWDBXUloyQUVTWVo0SUZPTi4u

In other district news, we wish a special congratulations to Gabriella Lanza for being named the WINNER of the 2020 Congressional Art Competition with her incredible work titled Ocean Layer! Gabriella is a student at South Walton High School where she studies with art teacher Dr. Vivian Komando. Gabriella’s art will hang in the United States Capitol Building tunnel for one year!

Congratulations also goes to Marie Claire Brown from South Walton High School under the tutelage of Dr. Komando for being named 1st runner up in the 2020 Congressional Art Competition. Her art piece will be displayed in Congressman Gaetz Pensacola district office for one year!  We are so proud of these amazing art students and their teacher!

We are excited to tentatively announce graduation ceremonies for our three traditional high schools on the following dates:

Freeport High School: July 21, 2020; 8:00 pm

South Walton High School: July 23, 2020; 8:00 pm

Walton High School: July 24, 2020; 8:00 pm

In10sity School of Excellence: July 25, 2020; 4:00 pm

Paxton High School: July 25, 2020; 7:00 pm

These dates are contingent upon government mandates and CDC advisories on social gatherings in order to prioritize the safety of students, parents, and staff.  Family and friends can check with the schools, either directly or via their web and social media pages, to gather more specific information about times and locations

Superintendent Hughes is honored to announce the appointment of Mrs. Carrie Chavers as the new Dune Lakes Elementary School Principal.  Mrs. Chavers served as the Dean of Students at South Walton High School (2017-2019), and most recently as Assistant Principal at South Walton High School since July of 2019.  She is equipped and ready to serve the staff, students, and parents of Dune Lakes Elementary School, and we know they will welcome her in true Dune Lakes Sandpiper and “EPIC Walton County” fashion!

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