The Lotus Life; Happiness

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By Lauren Catanese

The flutters in your heart. The smile that will not stop. The beaming of joy that radiates through your soul. The powerful feeling that comes over you effortlessly, and washes away, instantly, any fear. “Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those that don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.”- Paulo Coelho.

Lotus Life

Happiness is a rip-roaring emotion that can turn your world upside down. We love to feel it and believe it is the “rightful “emotion to bestow. And in all it’s glory it is and does stand up to its name. But it is not something to be taken for granted. In it’s fleeting moments, we can be in a rush of joy too quickly to fall back into pain. This is where happiness becomes our guide. It is our life gage on how we are doing and where we need to stop, release, and come back. It’s a guiding force, happiness. A force to be reckoned with. Tempting us into a life that is up leveling who we are, closer to where we dream of being. Life wants for us, what we want from life. We are creative beings, having a human experience. Full of all the juicy and raw emotions to be felt. So, feel them all. Let them come and go as they need to. And rejoice in the flow of life and experiences that it will bring you through. And when you feel it, that ecstatic feeling that you are just going to burst with so much love you cannot wait! Pause and let yourself soak it in. And keep moving towards anything that brings you to utter happiness. That is following your bliss. Where is yours leading you?

Happiness 101

  1. Believe in it. Believe it is possible for you. Anything that you want to be, have or do. You are the captain of your ship.
  2. Let it happen. Give yourself the freedom to surrender into all your emotions, that is the only way to fully experience the greatness and depth they have in store for you. When you let yourself fall into your emotions, even the ones you don’t want, you are also giving yourself permission to experience the most amazing ones on another level. You deserve it, so let it be.
  3. Give thanks. Accepting the world as you experience it, and allowing life to bring to you, what you put in. It’s a beautiful dance of co-creating that can spawn magic in your life. Yes magic. So be grateful for all that you see around you. It’s life happening in its purest form, and that in itself, is a happiness miracle.

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